23 November 2022

Interior designer Frank Martens: “Lighting brings an office to life”

Frank Martens is an interior architect and the business manager of Intra Interieur. Together with his team of fellow interior architects, he is working on The Office of Tomorrow: efficient and flexible office spaces which are pleasant to work and live in. A noble mission in which efficiency, space and, of course, lighting play a key role. “Thanks to lighting we can make a difference in our projects,” Frank confirms.

Het Kantoor Van Morgen

“A project at The Office of Tomorrow always starts with an analysis of our client’s needs. Next, we start making a beautiful and functional design. Our goal is to create offices that allow people to work together in a healthy and pleasant environment.”

“Depending on the project, we develop a well thought-out interior plan with workplaces, meeting rooms, focus rooms, etc., everything you need to create a functional office that fulfills the needs of our client. The functional part is important in the philosophy of The New Way of Working, but our creative input is also very much appreciated.”


Het Kantoor Van Morgen in beeld

What are the main challenges in the interior design of offices?

“When designing an office, a general challenge is to get everyone involved on the same page. Sometimes people are not yet prepared to make changes in their offices.” Frank explains. “Once a well thought-out plan is created with involvement of the employees, our client come to understand the added value of an enjoyable working environment.”

What role does lighting play in interior design?

“At The Office of Tomorrow, we provide optimal office lighting in all our projects. Together with a distributor or manufacturer of luminaires, such as Multiline, we make a lighting study. Usually we already have a good idea of how to set up the lighting, but the lighting study is a nice confirmation of our possible options. We also want to create a unique atmosphere that fits the client’s vision. Work lighting, mood lighting and even emergency lighting should complement each other.” Frank clarifies.


Kantoren Teamleader


If you could create the office of your dreams without any limitations, what would it look like?

“I would love to design a project where the lighting continues through the building as a single line. That one line brings everything together. That would be a very challenging, but unique project.”

What lighting do you use at The Office of Tomorrow?

Our own office is illuminated by customized luminaires from Multiline. As a team of interior designers, we obviously set the bar for our own office high. Every luminaire is different, but they complement each other nicely. For example, here you can see tubular spotlights in combination with an L-shaped luminaire that goes from the wall to the ceiling. To achieve this design, we use the Rekta 40 with different covers.


What are your favorite projects in collaboration with Multiline?

“There are two projects that stand out for me. The first is the new office of Teamleader, for which we provided a nice solution with profiles in a playful, angular configuration. That was also the first project we did together with Multiline. The second project is, of course, our own office of which I am very proud. Thanks to the Multiline luminaires, we made the lighting blend nicely into the office space. Subtle, but efficient and pleasing to the eye.”


plafondverlichting kantoor ceiling lighting

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