7 June 2022

Our lighting for a business park: with a special solution for the stairwell

Waregem Business Park is home to a dozen companies. How diverse their activities may be, there is one constant: they carry out their work under our luminaires. Quality & Development manager Stijn Pittomvils sheds light on the aesthetic and technical challenges in this project. “I notice that the ceiling color is still too often overlooked in these kinds of projects.”

verlichting bedrijvencentrum

Waregem Business Park consists of multiple buildings, with different types of spaces and a mix of businesses. We received the task to translate the lighting study into the right type of lighting for all the different areas, from the offices, to the corridors and stairwells.

“Actually, the office spaces determined the luminaire,” Stijn explains. “The client had opted for SAPP climate ceilings and our Rekta 30 luminaires fit perfectly into this type of ceiling.” You can find the Rekta 30 throughout the whole business park.



“This profile has the same width as the slats of the climate ceiling, which means the installer can smoothly replace a slat with a luminaire. This keeps the uniformity of the lines intact and the lighting blends nicely into the ceiling.”



“From a lighting technical perspective, an office environment obviously has some specific requirements. First of all, the light image should be pretty homogeneous. Another important consideration is the UGR or Unified Glare Rating: it has to be lower than 19 in order to eliminate glare. This is why we equipped the luminaires in the offices with VDT louvres.”

“An additional challenge for the lighting of this business park were the different ceiling colors,” Stijn continues. “As these colors do have an impact on the lighting technical features.”

“In practice, it has come to my attention that this aspect is often overlooked. As a result, the same solution is used in an office with a black and a white ceiling. However, in combination with a black ceiling the result will be too dark, whereas the risk of glare will be higher with a white ceiling. We take these differences into account when making our calculations.”

Another argument for choosing the Rekta 30: this luminaire is a perfect all-rounder. “In addition to the standard versions, customization is also possible with this model. These features made it possible to use the Rekta 30 throughout the whole business park: in the reception area, meeting rooms, corridors, stairwells… .”



“For stairwells, people focus too often only on the functional aspect. In this project, we show that stairwell lighting can also be included in the overall concept.”

“Our lighting in the stairwell looks like one long light line, which continues over the different floors. Integrated detectors ensure that the light is switched on over the entire stairwell, and the built-in emergency modules enable safe evacuation in emergency situations,” Stijn concludes. “To get everything perfect, we supported the installer with the programming of these detectors on site.”

Do you want to know more about this project? And more specifically about the sustainable aspect of our lighting for this business park? Watch the video below for more insights from Stijn:


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