30 September 2021

Zigzag ceiling lighting for the new office of software company Teamleader

More than seventy meters of light lines zigzag through the new office of Teamleader in Ghent. Intra Interieur developed the modern interior concept, while we provided custom-made ceiling lighting: the guarantee for an impeccable result.

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The interior architecture company Intra Interieur asked for our help with the lighting design for the new office of software company Teamleader in Ghent. They had drawn up a first inspiring lighting concept. Based on their initial designs, we discussed the entire project in detail. This enabled our light architects to discuss everything in terms of technical feasibility and ease of installation. Then it was up to our sales and production team to effectively make the desired lighting fixtures.


Ceiling lighting in the office: the concept

The interior architect had drawn up a long, zigzag construction of light lines, right through the glass partitions that divide the office into separate areas. This concept was intended to create a visually more spacious feeling. Some other important points:

  • High lighting comfort for all employees.
  • No shadows.
  • Their office was not located on the ground floor. We had to think about an easy and safe way to deliver our long light profiles.
  • Easy installation and accessibility of all the different components in the luminaires.
  • Maintaining the architectural concept was essential.


The result

We developed a zigzag construction consisting of different light profiles. Thanks to our coupler elements a seamless connection between all the light lines was made possible, creating a nice whole.

We created sufficient lighting comfort by orienting the light fixtures in such a way that every spot in the office is optimally lit. A thorough light calculation beforehand determined the correct positions of the light lines.

We can normally easily supply profiles in lengths of up to 6 metres. As the office was not located on the ground floor and was more difficult to reach, we split the light lines into sections of 2.5 metres. Those parts were flawlessly linked together again during installation.

Each zigzag structure has a power supply at only one point regardless of the length of the structure. Control gear and emergency lighting were also built into the light fixtures. This considerably simplified the installation (and any future maintenance).

The integrated emergency lighting also contributes to the sleek interior design concept. Separate emergency lighting on the ceiling or walls is therefore unnecessary.

In addition to the zigzag constructions, we also provided a number of other light fixtures such as separate light line systems and round fixtures.

Interested in unique ceiling lighting for your office?

Are you looking for optimal lighting solutions for your office? Check out our Offices Lookbook for more inspiration. Click here to download your lookbook.



– Sferio Direct

– Rekta 40



– Location: Ghent, Belgium

– Architect: Intra interieur

– Installer: Trilec

– Photography: Bart Gosselin

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